leadership everywhere
I would love to live like a river flows,
carried by the surprise of its own unfolding.
John O’Donohue
We founded re-find the future® as a transformational approach to leadership, organisational and personal renewal. Sharing our innovative practice, our aim is to grow leadership everywhere through a ‘leading self, leading others and leading the market™ ‘ approach. Each one of us has an invitation to lead ourselves. Some may use who they are to lead others. Others still will use who they are to create remarkable stories in their communities and organisations.

beginning with the way in mind
We work alongside visionary leaders. We help them grow their capacity and capability. We have a practice and a perspective of leadership and support leaders in growing their own. We believe in the inherent greatness of people and organisations and invite you from that perspective. We also work with the shadow side of human beings and organisations. For us greatness is the unfolding of potential.

start with self
We work with clients to free their talents and strengths, unearth their values and design how they connect with the community around them. Together we explore shadow, helpful, unhelpful and harmful patterns. We invite them to embrace their experience and to learn from it as it emerges.
We support leaders in crafting and aligning their way in the world. We help leaders build a personal leadership practice and to support others in doing the same. We know ourselves as leaders too, at work, at home and in our communities.

safe challenging spaces
We work to create safe and challenging spaces for leaders to learn and grow in. The way that we conduct ourselves creates atmospheres inside others.
We strive to walk beside our clients, sometimes close and sometimes distant. We support them in doing the same for others.

The long game
We must count those things that really count and not just those things that are easily counted.
Margaret Wheatley
We practise care beyond contract and see long-term, mutual success as our ambition. Our accountability to our clients means keeping our word. As practitioners, this is a matter of personal leadership. As a team of practitioners, this becomes our trademark - what others can expect from us, every time. As an organisation, it provides the confidence to address the seemingly impossible - and to change the world.

Ethical Relationships
We see integrity as important in our approach and in the commitment to an ethical, confidential greatness-centred practice.
We are members of professional bodies and commit to their code of conduct and ethics. We undertake and offer continuous professional development including supervision.
We are getting stronger and stronger. Are you?